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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

RTD implements service changes to fix delays in first change in months

The Regional Transportation District, also known as RTD, implemented new service changes to better their rail and bus services.
These changes will address ridership changes, traffic patterns, customer feedback and something CBS News Colorado has stayed on top of; delays and maintenance issues.
Notable changes include:
Rail services
Bus services 
During the interview, Your First Alert Traffic Tracker Reporter Brian Sherrod asked RTD about the efforts made after they had several weeks of delays with their rail service.
“All the light rail trains on the D, E, H and W lines were coming to Denver Union Station,” said RTD spokesman Stuart Summers. “We had a little bit of a log jam at times when all these trains were trying to come into the tracks at once, so we had some quick turns. Now, we are able to put the D and H line back to where they go in the loop. This allows us to have that frequency without having some of those bottlenecking challenges at Denver Union Station.”
It is also important to add the NextRide App to your phone to see when your train or rail is arriving. This app provides delays and cancellations so you can plan your trips accordingly. 
